Old Catholic Apostolic Church
OCAC Diocese of Europe                             ocac.europe@oldcatholicapostolicchurch.com
The Diocese of Europe embraces the nations of Europe with OCAC's churches and missions within. It also has the Ordinariate 'De Jonge Ritus' (derived from the Young Rite of Holland) within. The Young Rite has been an instrument of God's grace for years within the Liberal Catholic movement and after going through testing times the Young Rite divided, with a substantial following based in the former Yugoslavia (Slovenia particularly) with the residual Young Rite in the homeland of the Low Countries joining OCAC as an ordinariate, practicing their charism and liturgy as they always have, alongside and with the clergy of OCAC. We have respect for and co-operate with the Young Rite who are associated, but not part of our church.

Bishop Paula-Willemijn van Rooijen
Bishop of the OCAC Diocese of Europe.

Old Catholic Apostolic Church - Netherlands  Click Here

Very Revd Fr Peter van Zuidam
Vicar General, OCAC Diocese of Europe.

Revd. Fr. Maciej Cyran
Priest in Sanok, Poland.

Br. Przemek Brzozowski
Franciscan brother in Poland

Bishop Ulrich Schwab
Serves in Herzenhain, Germany

Revd. Fr. Marco Baragli
Arezzo, Italy

Hallyson Boldrini OSFC
Acting Deacon in Italy

Bishop Antonios Chondronikos
Is growing OCAC in Greece and the Greek Islands. He is based in mainland Greece.

Old Catholic Apostolic Church - Greece  Click Here

Revd. Dr Lee Edworthy
Old Catholic Apostolic Church - Cyprus  Click Here

Revd Fr Yuri  Prikotenko
Priest in OCAC Ukraine. Donetsk.

Preacher Valeria
Worship Leader in the Open Church of Kiev, part of OCAC Ukraine.

Bishop Marc Croux
Bishop of De Jonge Ritus. Bp. Marc speaks 5 languages fluently, and has lived in many countries of the world. He has considerable experience and brings these to his serving. He is also a member of a Benedictine order.

Revd. Deacon Amanda Lombard
Serves in De Jonge Ritus in Belgium

Johannes Maria de Veen
Serves in minor orders in Holland

Robert Walter Alexander Ozinga
Serves in Minor Orders in Holland

Fr. Joseph Galand
Serves in Little Mission Notre Dame de Bruxelles (Belgium).

Revd Johan arnt Alstad
Serves as priest in Trondheim, Norway

Br. Fernando Torres
Serves in Madrid, Spain.

Diocese of Dairina and Connaucht
This is the Eireann (Republic of Ireland) representation of our church and is administered by Bishop Adrian of Dumnonia & Wessex