Old Catholic Apostolic Church


Old Catholic Apostolic Church Liturgy - Our predecessor church The Liberal Catholic Church published The Liturgy in 1919, with subsequent editions later. OCAC's Liturgy is based on this, but brought up to date by Margaret Watson, for contemporary use.
Old Catholic Apostolic Church Liturgy Year 2
Old Catholic Apostolic Church Lenten Readings by Margaret Watson.
Open Bible Catechism Adapted from the 1823 original by W.F.Lloyd by Revd. Marti Martinson of St Adalberts Oratory, OCAC USA
Eastern & Oriental Prayer: Services of our Apostolic Sister Churches - from St Adalberts Oratory, OCAC USA

Ordo Liturgia
Fr Laurence Martin has created this liturgical order for worship honouring the saints and seasons of the church. It is intended to be used alongside his work "Journey with the Saints".

Communion and Mass service orders

often used
A Service of Holy Communion - a simple communion service less 'catholic' than a mass
The Short Mass - a simple quick mass good for a general congregation
The Mass  - a longer, more ornate mass based on the Liberal Catholic Mass
A Communion Service using pre-sanctified hosts (can be taken by those in Minor Orders).
Informal Communion (can be taken by those in Minor Orders
Solo Communion - (can be taken by those in Minor Orders) or by priests. Intended for solo use.
Book of Communion & Mass Service Orders (compiled by St Adalberts, OCAC USA)
Dry Mass - A mass but without consecrated elements. Can be taken by those in Minor Orders.

less often used
Eastern Rite Mass - an oriental mass
A Traditional Mass, arranged by Bishop David
Traditional LC (Cooper's) Mass - a historic mass order famous in Liberal Catholic churches

Regular Services
A Service of Prime (also called Morning Prayer) - (can be taken by those in Minor Orders)
A Service of Mattins (also called Morning Prayer) - (can be taken by those in Minor Orders)
Compline (also called Evening Prayer) - (can be taken by those in Minor Orders)
Vespers (also called Evening Prayer) - (can be taken by Sub-deacons, Deacons and Priests)
A Service for General Assembly (for schools or other large gatherings) - (can be taken by those in Minor Orders)
Book of Hours & other service orders (compiled by St Adalberts, OCAC USA)
Personal Book of Hours - a simplified version intended for individual use (compiled by St Adalberts, OCAC USA)

Pastoral Service Orders
The Sacrament of Baptism  - suitable for all ages
Simple Baptism - by immersion or pouring can be taken by those in minor orders
Naming Ceremony  - an informal service for less religious families
Marriage by Handfasting - a traditional betrothal or 'Common Law Marriage' from the Celtic Christian Tradition
Marriage Service - a service of marriage or blessing of marriage
The Confirmation Service - the rite of confirmation for those baptised to profess faith as their own
Anointing the Sick (Unction) - a simple liturgy for use by those in Holy or Minor Orders
Prayers before the service - some general prayers for use before worship
Prayers of Thanksgiving
A Funeral Service - suitable for burials or cremations
Service of Blessing for Animals (can be taken by those in Minor Orders)
Service of Remembrance for a Beloved Pet (including funeral or scattering of ashes)
Divine Office for Peace - (Compiled by St Adalberts, OCAC USA)
Feast of St Pheobe - (Compiled by St Adalberts, OCAC USA)

Ecclesial Services
The Blessing of Altarware or Regalia - for commissioning the altar
The Blessing of Holy Water  - for priests to create Holy Water
The Blessing of Church Bells - for the commissioning of bells
The Blessing of Holy Oils  - for bishops to consecrate Chrism and oils for the sick and catecumens
Consecration of Altar Jewels - for the adornment of altars
The Rite for de-commissioning a Church Chapel or Oratory - to prepare for moving to another place
The Litany - a chant which is part of Ordination Services

Ordinations and Admission
Oath of Allegiance (for clergy)
The Admission into Minor Orders
Admission into a Religious Order
Enrollment in the Scapular (Carmelite)
Ordination of Doorkeepers
Ordination of Readers
Ordination of Exorcist (minor order)            
Ordination of Acolyte
The Ordination of a Pastor  - a minister not in the Apostolic Succession
Confirmation Ordination to Sub-Deacon - Confirming those in Minor Orders acting on licence as Sub-Deacon.

The Ordination of Sub-Deacons
Confirmation of Sub-Deacons to the Diaconate - Confirming Sub-Deacons acting on licence as Deacons.
The Ordination of a Deacon  
The Ordination of a Priest  

Appointment to Vicar General or Episcopal Vicar
Appointment of a Superior of a Religious Order
The Consecration of a Bishop            
Seasonal Services       
Ash Wednesday Service  
Palm Sunday Service

Maundy (Holy) Thursday
Blessing of Holy Oils
'Good' Friday    
Stations of the Cross
Easter Saturday Service of Light  
Easter Day (use mass rite with Easter anthems and collects)
Advent Readings for 2020
prepared by Margaret Watson            

Roles and Duties
Duties and Roles of those in Minor Orders
Working through the Minor Orders
Duties and Roles of those in Holy Orders
Duties for CDM Pastors in OCAC

St Catherine's Seminary
is the learning resource of OCAC.