Old Catholic Apostolic Church


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There are many people from our history who have made a significant contribution to our work. They deserve to be saints. We acknowledge them here, although this list cannot hope to be completely comprehensive: Ex-Officio.

College of Bishops

The College of Bishops is made up of senior bishops and bishops of the national autocephalus churches. Tasked with leading their national churches and advising the Patriarch. Each are in successions which lead back to the original Apostles, and are empowered by what Christ has done on the cross for us: each sinners saved by the Perfect Sacrifice. There is no physical meeting of the college. They are consulted by the Patriarch when required and all communication is by virtual meeting.

The Rt. Revd. Adrian Glover OCR, OSJ - Mar Trimlett
Bishop of Dumnonia & Wessex (UK).  Patriarch of OCAC Worldwide. Also Founding Pastor of the Cross-Denominational Mission and Permanent General Secretary of the Independent Catholic Churches Council. Moderator of the United Free Catholic Bishops Conference.

The Rt. Revd. Raphael Fagbohun
Bishop of the African Nations, Old Catholic Apostolic Church. Member of the United Free Catholic Bishops Conference. Assisted by The Rt. Revd. Peter Ulofu, Nigeria.

The Rt. Revd. Emmanuel K. Mensah
Bishop of Ghana, Old Catholic Apostolic Church & Liberal Catholic Apostolic Church

The Rt Revd. Paula Willemijn van Rooijen
Ordinary of OCAC Diocese of Europe.

The Rt. Revd. Antonios Chrondronikos
Bishop Antonios is Ordinary of OCAC Greece.

The Rt. Revd. Roger Crosthwaite Outreach Bishop.
Travels to various nations on the African continent.

House of Clergy

Some OCAC national churches have representative panels of clergy, but not all. There are regular group meetings online in the various juristictions.

Associated Clergy

Associated clergy are to be found in the following Fellowships, Churches and Orders:

The Independent Liberal Catholic Fellowship

The Cross Denominational Mission

The following bishops are part of other churches, but their help is greatly valued: The Late Rt. Revd. Mark Leavell (of blessed memory), Free Catholic Bishop in the United States. The Rt. Revd. Mark Elliott Newman, Presiding Bishop of the Catholic Apostolic Church of Antioch in the United States. The Rt. Revd. Dr. Leon Hunt, Presiding Bishop of the Catholic Apostolic Church of Antioch in the UK. The clergy of churches which are members of The Independent Catholic Churches Council are also Associated Clergy.