OCAC United States

Msgr Anthony Guadialardo, OCAC US founderThe Old Catholic Apostolic Church in the United States started in 2008, when the Late Monsignor Anthony Guadialardo (of blessed memory) joined our movement from the Roman Catholic Church. Having been an RC priest all his life, he left to express his serving in a liberal environment so he would be free to have a late life relationship with someone that he had known since childhood. It is difficult to express just how much he did for our church in creating the work which continues today, and which has seeded other churches on the way. After Msgr Tony's untimely death due to surgical complications, Bishop Jack Stafford took on the mantle and led our church in the US which quietly grew for a couple of years. Bishop Jack left to resume a maritime career and we appointed Monsignor Edmund Cass to lead our work in the US. There followed a period of considerable growth attributed in part to +Cass: other bishops and communions joined, and the Patriarch (Mar Trimlett) travelled to the US and consecrated Bishop Cass and others in 2012. In 2013 most of the church in the US broke away to form another church. Whilst disappointing, we know that if God is in it, it is a church seeding. 

Today, the work is the same as the first day when Msgr Tony started it off for us: to be a relevant Christian outreach church; a body of Christ that enables and empowers people to serve as they are called; relevant for today, yet with the benefit of heritage; alive because Christ lives in us; spiritually aware and keen to serve. We are small numbers in the US, and hoping for new people to join; could it be you?

Bishop ad tempus: The Patriarch, Bishop Adrian oversees this province.

Links to OCAC USA clergy are below:
Clinton leads our church in the United States ad tempus on behalf of the Patriarch. He serves in New York state.
Serves in Oregen and leads an emerging Redemptorist order.

Revd. Dr Daniel Medina
Priest in Florida

Revd. Fr. Ashley Beckham
Priest in Texas

Revd. Arthur Martinson - 'Marti' - Deacon
Marti serves in Texas and leads the Order of St Phoebe and the Oratory of St Adalbert
St Adalbert's Oratory
Msgr. Terry served in Missouri and led a Benedictine order.
Jason serves as deacon in Tennessee.
Serves in New York City as Sub-deacon and is in formation for priesthood

Revd. Gregorio C. Bazan
Serves as Pastor in Oregen

Bishop Ted Wooldridge Emeritus Bishop OCAC USA.
Bishop Ted is now retired but served in North Carolina

Msgr. Anthony Guadialaro

There are several Religious Orders centered in the United States:

Link to the Order of St Pheobe is here.
Link to St Adalberts Oratory is Here.
The Link to the Congregation of Redemptorists of St Julian of Norwich is here
The Ancient Orthodox-Catholic Assembly (AOCA)