At the moment this province comes directly under the Patriarch. Ordinary ad tempus +Adrian.
The Old Catholic Apostolic Church's work
in South America came about as a result of several former Roman
Catholic clergy seeking to continue their servings after for example
getting married, as well as some of OCAC's people travelling in South
America. As the same elsewhere, OCAC South America is a dispersed
church of part time and unpaid clergy following Christ's call to serve
Bishop David Quispe Aguirre
Bishop serving in Lima Columbia
Fr. Nilson Mariano Filho
Serves in Sao Paulo, Brazil
Fr. Cesar Melgarejo
Priest serving in Lima, Peru.
Revd. Gregorio Bazan
Gregorio serves in Michoacan, Mexico during the winter months and Oregon US in the summer.
Padre Santiago Zamora
Priest serving in Cartagena, Murcia, Columbia
Bishop Julio Rivera Gonzalez El Carmen, Cuscatlán, El Salvadore

We have a province in Brazil although it is dormant at the moment. We are hoping to grow OCAC's serving there. Please email