OCAC Europe
Rt. Revd. Antonios Chondronikos MBA ChFM
Bishop Antonios Chondronikos - Athens, OCAC Europe

Bishop Antonios ChondronikosAntonios was, like most Greeks baptised as an infant in the Orthodox Church. As a young man he was pre-occupied with spiritual issues and philosophy and had an interest in the Greek philosophers (particularly Plato and Aristotle) and this led to his study of different religions and theology. Antonios did this by attending as many lectures and seminars as he could even though he was studying finance and business administration for his secular career.

Some time later as his career in banking had developed and with a family, he was drawn to ecclesiastical matters again. The Orthodox church, which he still has good relations with, does not allow for a part-time non-stipendary clergy and the Roman Catholic Church does not allow for married clergy. So he spent some time with the Latter Day Saints church mainly because it allows for part-time as well as married ministers. Even though he had some reservations in belief, he served as Clerk, President of Youth, as a Sunday School Teacher and as National Director of Public Affairs. In 2017 he was asked to lead the Greek branch which he did until the beginning of 2020.Antonios Chondronikos OCAC Greece

After some months with no church connection, Antonios joined OCAC to assist in growing a branch of the Old Catholic Apostolic Church in Greece. He was consecrated to bishop at the OCAC 2022 UK & Europe synod.

Antonios is the CEO of a banking corporation in Athens which focuses on ethical lending and is a respected professional member of several respected financial institutions. He lives in Athens and is a family man, a strong Christian and has studied Theology at numerous Colleges and Universities including Harvard.

Bishop Chondronikos is working to set-up OCAC in Greece as a recognised religion and help others looking for part-time and unpaid expressions of their call to Christian serving.

Revd. Antonios Incardination document is here.
His Deed of Consecration is Here.
Sigillum of Bishop ChondronikosOCAC Greece