Canon Law - Accountability
The Old Catholic Apostolic Church (OCAC) is a not-for-profit corporation, for the advancement of religion, registered in England & Wales No. 07221223 as a non-trading entity and is subject to the laws and regulations of the United Kingdom. There are other OCAC registered legal entities in other countries but all look to the principal OCAC entity and the patriarch. The church has no lay members; each member has an active ministry or serving.OCAC also has its own rules (canons) which sets out structure, accountability and procedure for its members. We strive for best practice and high standards, so we have accepted codes of conduct and policies for our members to adhere to.
Each member has the oversight from a bishop. Members are guided and supervised by their bishop and are accountable to them in all matters connected with ministry. In matters of procedure, or general polity or behaviour, the bishops will guide, advise and admonish as necessary. We strive for a positive charism, one of improvement rather than of reproach, but the option of sanction or even dismissal exists.
In Safeguarding matters OCAC has a duty of care to the members and to anybody and everybody who is impacted by our ministry. All members must show a CRB or DBS check in order to be accepted into OCAC.
Any allegation of improper behaviour towards children or vulnerable adults will be reported to the police by the bishop(s) and their investigation will determine if the allegation has merit in which case the member will be suspended from clergy duty until such time as that investigation infers the rolling back of, or lifting of the suspension. The bishop(s) will decide how the relationship between member and OCAC shall change after the outcome of any police investigation is known. False or malicious allegations will be referred to the police as part of this procedure.
* Canon Law (overall rules for the whole church)
* What we believe
* The Declaration of Utrecht
* The Bonn Agreement
* Code of Conduct for Clergy visiting other churches
* Interdenominational Relations