OCAC Europe
Old Catholic Apostolic Church in Greece

Logo of OCAC GreeceBishop Antonios is setting up and leading the growing presence of the Old Catholic Apostolic Church in Greece. A wonderful land and with a central place in the spread of Christianity immediately after the Apostles were preaching and sharing about Christ, with Paul of Tarsus visiting about AD50 and John the Divine having been imprisoned at Patmos. This land and it's many islands was part of the then Roman empire and the Greek language recorded many parts of scripture.

As is the case with other nations, setting up legally recognised church entities like OCAC needs to be done with harmony and understanding of the principal church which in this case is the Greek Orthodox Church. Bishop Chondronikos has been doing this and the church registration process is quite involved.
The legal certificate is here.

Sigillum of Bishop ChondronikosBishop Antonios Chondronikos, bishop of OCAC GreeceOCAC Greece is being led by Bishop Chondronikos.

When the opportunity arises, other clergy from OCAC visit and encourage, uplift and endorse the work that OCAC Greece is building upon.

Bishop Adrian has visited Greece and the Greek IslandsBishop Adrian has visited Greece and the Greek IslandsThe famous cave and monastery on Patmos where St John received the Revelation