OCAC Europe
  Br. Przemek Brzozowski OSFC.
Br Przemek Brzozowski - OCAC Diocese of EuropePrzemek says: "I was raised in the Roman Catholic Church, I was also baptized there, I made my First Holy Communion and I was confirmed from the moment I made my First Holy Communion. I was in a liturgical service one day during a lesson at a vocational school we had a lesson devoted to the Revelations of Sister Faustyna Kowalska (for several years in a row I also went to the annual youth meetings Lednica 2000) and I started to explore this topic because God's mercy is very important to me, and I reached the Revelations of Sister Franciszka Kozłowska and the history of Mariavitism. After exploring the topic of Mariavitism and long and fervent prayers I came to the conclusion that the doctrine of Mariavitism is closest to me and there is a lot of God's truth there. I was an altar boy in another parish, the Catholic tradition is very close to me and I know that there is salvation there, I also do a lot of charity work (WOŚP, Christmas parcel campaign etc.), it is very important to me to preach the good news to others and lead them to God through the liturgy of the Holy Mass, as much as possible I try to participate in the adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and the liturgy".

Przemek is serving in OCAC's Order of Saints Francis and Clare as a part of his formation.