Ulrich incardinated into OCAC from an Apostolic Catholic Church and was ordained in September 2022
He is retired and helps in a facility for the disabled as a specialist
carer and as a pastor in geriatric and nursing care as well as in
emergency pastoral care. He also offers public and home services.
People are very important to him and he proclaims God's message
wherever it is needed.

Ulrich says 'I travel a lot to celebrate church services in the homes
of believers, who are spread across two federal states. But it is worth
taking the long distances because every home service, especially the
family service, is always something very special. I also work as a
pastor in geriatric care and in a facility for the disabled. In my work
I particularly strive to help women and men who no longer feel at home
or are excluded in their churches. These are couples who are divorced
and remarried, couples who live together without a marriage
certificate, or because of their sexual orientation. I want to give
everyone a home in faith and be there for everyone when I am needed'.