Old Catholic Apostolic Church-UK
Very Revd. Fr. Michael Templeton - Vicar General 
Fr Michael TempletonFr. Michael lives and serves in Edinburgh and Lothian. He comes from a Roman Catholic Background and his serving is Christian Broadcasting. Michael trained at Nunraw Abbey in 2016 and trained in lay ministry initially. His later training of Liturgical preparation covered Advent, Christmas, Lent, Holy Week, Holy Saturday, Easter Sunday and the sacramental services and ordinary time.  During this serving he provided prayer and night watch for the sick in hospital at Lourdes.

Fr. Michael has extensive experience and skills in pastoral areas, such as dealing with people with mental health issues, suicide and self-harm awareness as well as how to deliver sad news to the grieving. Michael worked for many years in security. Since then he has been in the hospitality sector, before starting a radio outreach to broadcast the good news far and wide. He is Managing Director of a not-for-profit radio station.

Micheal was ordained deacon by Bishop Paula Willemijn van Rooijen and raised to the priesthood by Bishop Adrian at the UK synod on 24th June 2023. He serves OCAC Scotland (Diocese of Fortriu & Dalriada) as Vicar General having been raised at the UK 2024 synod in Bolton. Seperately, Fr Michael represents the churches of South East Edinburgh as a representative of SEECAT (South East Edinburgh Churches Acting Together) on Edinburgh City Community Council.

Fr. Michael Templeton celebrating massPriestly ordination of Michael Templeton
Michael also plays the organ for worship in churches and regularly takes part in theological debates and discussions.

Michael Templeton at the organ Diaconate ordination of Michael TempletonFr. Michael as Episcopal Vicar of OCAC Scotland (Fortriu & Dalriada)

Fr Michael representing OCAC Scotland at Edinburgh 2024 Remembrance