Fraternite Sacerdotal de Missionnaires Ouvriers de la Saint Famille de Nazareth
This means 'Priestly Order of Workers of the Holy Family of Nazareth' in English. The order is french-speaking and based in Cameroun, Africa.
Organised as a religious order in 2008, they joined OCAC by incardination in January 2022 with their siege-social (seat) in Mefou and Afamba in Cameroun
With male and female members they promote a Christian culture and respect of God, development of their members and wider population and education in Christian faith and social action. There are missions in Kinshasa, Congo and in Haiti.
The order was founded by and is led by Msgr Joseph Marie Ndzomo

Should you be interested in finding out about joining the order, please click here.
Constitution of Saint Famille de Nazareth
Statement of Faith - Saint Famille de Nazareth