Old Catholic Apostolic Church-UK
Revd. Fr. Graham Roos - Priest
Revd. Graham Roos Graham is a film director, producer and performer. He has written numerous books and plays for stage, radio, television and film. He is Creative Artist in Residence at the University of Buckingham. Graham also feels called to serving and has spent much time studying and in contemplation of Christian Theology and comparative theology. Versed in the theology of Aquinas, St Augustine, Origen and the early church he has made various pilgrimages to Rome, Jerusalem and Walsingham. He has been blessed to have had an audience with Pope John Paul II.

With a leaning towards theosophy, Graham is witnessing to Christ in the performing arts and the film and media worlds. He also prays with and offers chaplaincy support to those who find themselves lonely for what ever reason.

Graham Roos Graham lives in London and comes under our All Souls Metropolitan Parish.Revd. Graham Roos on a visiting ministry
Graham Roos delivering The Gospel

Fr.Graham Roos and Amma Christina at the altar

Revd. Graham Roos conducting memorial serviceRevd. Fr. Graham Roos (centre) with other clergy