Old Catholic Apostolic Church-UK
Revd. Trevor Millar - Subdeacon            trevor.millar@oldcatholicapostolicchurch.uk
Trevor Millar - SubdeaconTrevor was ordained in Yorkshire as Subdeacon by Bishop Colin Stebbings and Bishop Alyssa Stebbings (Sister Magdelena) in 2012 as Brother Luke in the Mission Episcopate of St Francis and St Clare.

Trevor worked as a civil servant before working in the care sector. He holds a BA in psychology from Liverpool University, and a Diploma in Swedenborgian ('New Church') Studies. He has served as an altar server at a High Anglican Church for many years (St Chads in Bradford) and since 2008 as a lay pastor and accredited worship leader at New Church, Dalton in Huddersfield which he continues alongside his OCAC serving. He was incardinated into OCAC recently as the Mission Episcopate of St Francis and St Clare no longer exists.

Trevor Millar Old Catholic Apopstolic Church