Old Catholic Apostolic Church-UK
Revd. Debra Maria Flint,  Priest                        revd.debramariaflint@liberalcatholics.uk
Revd. Debra Maria Flint. Theologian and author.Debra is a Catholic Feminist writer who has written two books and numerous articles for both the secular and the religious press on the role of women within the Church. She also works as a voluntary chaplain to two nursing homes taking a worship service at each home once per month. A qualified Funeral Celebrant, Debra is also qualified in spiritual accompaniment. She is also currently working with Bishop Paula-Willemijn van Rooijen and Rev. Amma Angela Partoon on the Ekklesia Sophia project.

She says: 'I am a Catholic Feminist writer and theologian. My first book, ‘Look back to the Future: Consecrated Women in Britain 597 AD to date’ was published in April 2021; my second book ‘No Place for a Woman: The Spiritual and Political Power Abuse of Women within Catholicism’ was published in the USA in March 2024 and around the world in April 2024. I have also written numerous articles for both the secular and religious press and am currently writing a third book with a co-author'.

Ordained as deacon at the Chapel of St Francis, Welling in 2022, by Bishop Jonathan Blake of the Open Episcopal Church (OEC), Debra incardinated into OCAC in 2024 with Bishop Paula Willemijn hearing her vow. Subsequently Debra was ordained to the priesthood by Bishop Jonathan Blake of OEC and Very Revd. Michael Templeton for OCAC at Lindisfarne on 1st February 2025.
Revd. Debra Maria Flint. Theologian and author.Revd. Amma Debra Maria-Flint with Very Revd. Michael Templeton at Lindisfarne
