Old Catholic Apostolic Church-UK
Revd. Liz Maitland BA(Hons), KCAI(AD), PGCE                revd.maitland@liberalcatholics.uk
Elizabeth Maitland - PriestRevd. Liz Maitland OCAC PriestA qualified Religious Education teacher and former Catechist for the Roman Catholic church, she formerly ran a charity in Leicester providing assistance and companion dogs for those recovering from brain damage or mental health issues called Recovery Assistance Dogs. She served as deacon in OCAC before her ordination to the priesthood. She is Prior of OCAC's Order of Ave Maria.

There are very likely to be animals in the ministry of Liz something that our church has had many times, notably with Bishop Harold Nicholson in Clapham, London in the 1950's and 60's, something of a radical idea at the time.
In 2004 Liz was a founder of RECOVERY Assistance Dogs to help people to recover from Mental Health problems, stop attempting suicide and self-harming. She sees animals as having a ‘Divine Instinct’ (they never fell out with God!) with a stillness in their minds that all humans can benefit from.  She was Project Leader 2008-2012 and was Executive Director 2012-2021 at RECOVERY Assistance Dogs. She 'retired' in November 2021 in order to concentrate on her vocation to become a Priest and as an Evangelist. She would like to set up a Retreat Centre by the Sea either in Lincolnshire or Kent specially for people who need healing with suicidal feelings, self-harming or eating disorders and would like to make progress in their spiritual journey.

Revd. Liz Maitland with Bishop Paula-WillemijnRevd Liz at the Lampedusa Cross in Clifton CathedralIn 1998 she studied Centering Prayer - this is a way into Contemplative Prayer (Father Thomas Keating) and still aims to practice that twice a day for 20 minutes. She has set up a weekly Centering Therapy group, originally in the local Catholic Church and now a Zoom Group. Since starting her journey in Holy Orders Liz has found that Zoom Online Meetings may be a way forward to do a Weekly Sunday Eucharist Prayer Service.

Also Liz has a heart for saying the Rosary and is consecrated to Mary Mother of God. Mary lived in devotion to the Divine Will and is an example to all of us as she was the first creature to do God’s will, throughout her life,  since the fall of Adam & Eve.

Liz has been an active Member of CWO (Catholic Women’s Ordination) since July, 2013. She is keen to play a part in bringing ladies with a calling to the priesthood to the OCAC Church where they can realise the mission that is their deepest heart’s desire. Also she is a Member of Catholic Women Speak and Voices of Faith and joins in regularly with Meetings about the evidence for Women Leaders in the early Christian Church.
Amma Liz assists Bishop Adrian at OCAC synodRevd. Liz conducting a funeralRevd. Liz Maitland and Wellbeing dog