Old Catholic Apostolic Church-UK
Revd. Fr. David Lindsay - Priest                       revd.davidlindsay@liberalcatholics.uk                    
Revd. David Lindsay - DeaconDavid lives and serves in Plymouth and the south-west. He joined OCAC in October 2023 to further his serving which is expressed in hospital and care home chaplaincy. He often works alongside Fr David Knipe.

Revd. David Lindsay was ordained by Bishop Adrian in Exeter's Auxiliay SynodServing as a chaplain he has a special calling to bereavement counselling.

David works in customer services in the secular and has been in NHS call centres. He has managed language schools in Plymouth and the surrounding area, and has run his own hostel for the nearly homeless.

He was ordained to the diaconate by Bishop Adrian at the OCAC Auxiliary Synod in Exeter 2024.

Revd David Lindsay far left in this picture from OCAC Auxiliary Synod in Exeter 2024

Revd. David Lindsay baptising on the beach Revd David Lindsay at OCAC Principal Service having been raised to the Priesthood. He is in the centre at the back.