Old Catholic Apostolic Church-UK
Msgr. Alan Cox                                                               alan.cox@ocac.uk
Msgr Alan Cox - ExorcistMsgr_Alan_presents the weekly Crystal Radio showAlan is a healer and spiritual counsellor. A regular broadcaster on spiritual and psychic matters, he is a Liberal Catholic Priest and Christian Exorcist. He was consecrated Bishop of Cannock in the continuing Church of Antioch but now serves Christ through OCAC in the midlands - Staffordshire.

Alan was Christened in the Church of England and later his parents joined the Methodist Church. Alan became a member of the Boys Brigade and was so until he was 18. After a number of years with no church connection he felt the need to go back to Church and did so for about 6 months at a Church of England Church. Alan realised after about 6 months that he wasn’t getting what he needed and studied and explored the spiritual meaning of faith.

Some years later he met Msgr David Parry and the path which as led him to OCAC.

More of Alan's ministry can be seen at www.understandingspirit.com
and at Crystal Radio.