Fr Charles and the clergy's incardination document is here.
Uganda is led by Fr Charles Barongo in the Hoima District. There are
3 congregations, and Fr Charles is assisted by Revd. Leonard Bwambale
and two readers Proscovia Kusiima and Ovon Godfrey. They incardinated
in 2021 and are seeking to grow the work across Uganda. Church
buildings are being planned and worship is being held at any suitable
place - as long as Jesus is being praised!
This work comes under the guidance of the worldwide Old Catholic Apostolic Church under the patriarch, but Bishop Roger Crosthwaite oversees the clergy and congregations.
This work comes under the guidance of the worldwide Old Catholic Apostolic Church under the patriarch, but Bishop Roger Crosthwaite oversees the clergy and congregations.
Fr Charles and the clergy's incardination document is here.