Old Catholic Apostolic Church

The Order of Ave Maria

One of the aims of OAM is to follow Mary’s model for life. Mary invites us to trust in the truth of God’s love and the truth within ourselves. In our teaching, learning and relationships at OAM we are seekers of Truth and people of Love. Mary teaches us humility and strength, leading the way to a relationship with God and eachother. Mary is a great example to us as she is the first human to be able to live in the Divine Will in God’s Kingdom and righteousness. She helps us to be peaceful and loving in our relationships as she negotiates for us those sips of the Divine Will that we need to have inner peace in Shalom (God’s Kingdom).

The Missional/Incarnational model best fits our OAM Mission as we are set to change attitudes towards worldly discrimination for Jesus’ great commission. Our vision is for people to recognise that Jesus called us all to disciple, teach and baptise.  At the Last Supper, Jesus instituted both the Sacraments of the Holy Eucharist and Holy Orders. The Old Catholic or Liberal Catholic priest is ordained by a bishop whose lineage goes back to the Last Supper and the early church through apostolic succession. The Church should live the command of Jesus to "Do this in memory of Me" through the priesthood. All Christians should be encouraged to the priesthood and the Old Catholic Apostolic Church lives out this vision. The priest, though a frail and sinful human, is empowered by the Holy Spirit to become an instrument of God's grace through the Sacramental life of the Church. He or she stands "in persona Christi" and nothing should prevent this. Not gender, sexual orientation or marriage should stop our baptismal promise as a Christian to be a Priest, Prophet and King. I believe that Mary Mother of God is with us in this Mission as she was a leader in the Early Church (she led the prayers at Pentecost) and would like the Church of today to reflect the early church’s values of equality and truth.

Should you be interested in finding out about joining the order, please click here.

Deed of Establishment of OAM
Statement of Faith - OAM

OAM Prior: Rev Elizabeth J Maitland, BA Hons, KCAI (AD), PGCE