Cross Denominational Mission
Makongeni Church Kenya

Makongeni church started under a tree in Chungni, Migori, Kenya in 2008.
Then as God moved amongst them it moved into a small mud hut until work began on a brick church after God spoke to missionary Elaine (local name Nya Suna) one New Years Eve as Makongeni prayed at Mount Nyasoko to build a large church. This was funded  by herself, members of Makongeni and the community including politicians plus FB friends, as well as UK supporters of Makongeni including retired chief constable Sir Matt Baggott .They led many alcoholics and addicts to the Lord and local community. Makongeni does out reach to the local poor community, pastoral visits, evangelism in the local villages and beyond plus they have 'chokowocks' (Bible study with praise) and prayer meetings, fund raising, girl child education and visiting the local prison in Migori

Makongeni ChurchMakongeni ChurchMakongeni Church

Makongeni ChurchMakongeni ChurchMakongeni Church

© Cross Denominational Mission. A religious society of the Old Catholic Apostolic Church